If your credit score is lower than you'd like it to be, there may be quick ways to raise it. Depending on what's holding it back, you might be able to add up to 100 points relatively quickly.
Credit scores in the "fair" and "bad" ranges could see dramatic improvements.
Is it possible to get 100 points?
If you have a low credit score, you have a better chance of improving it quickly than someone with a strong credit history.
Is a 100-point boost feasible? Rod Griffin, Experian's senior director of public education and advocacy, says yes. "The lower a person's score, the more likely it is that they will increase by 100 points," he says. "That's simply because there's a lot more room for improvement, and small changes can result in bigger score increases."
Here are some quick credit-improvement strategies:
#1. Request increased credit limits.
When your credit limit increases while your balance remains constant, your overall credit utilization decreases, which can help you improve your credit. If your income has increased or you have more years of good credit, you have a good chance of getting a higher limit.
Impact: Significant, because utilization is a significant factor in credit scores.
Time commitment: minimal. Inquire with your credit card company about increasing your credit limit. See if you can avoid a "hard" credit inquiry, which can temporarily lower your score by a few points.
How quickly it could work: Very quickly. Once the increased credit limit is reported to credit bureaus, it will reduce your overall credit utilization - as long as you don't use up the additional "room" on the card.
#2. Pay your bills on time.
If you miss a payment by more than 30 days, contact the creditor right away. Pay as soon as possible and inquire whether the creditor will consider not reporting the missed payment to the credit bureaus. Even if the creditor refuses, it is worthwhile to bring the account current as soon as possible. Every month that an account is marked delinquent lowers your credit score.
Influence: Extremely powerful. In both the FICO and VantageScore credit scoring systems, your payment history is the most important factor.
Time commitment: minimal. Set up account reminders and consider automatic payments to cover at least the minimum to avoid missed payments.
How quickly it might work: This depends on how many payments you've missed and how recently. It is also important to consider how late a payment was (30, 60, 90 or more days past due). Fortunately, the impact of late payments fades with time, and adding more positive credit accounts can help to accelerate this process.
#3. Handle collection accounts
The impact varies. A collection account is a major negative mark on your credit report, so if the collector agrees to stop reporting the account, it could help a lot.
If the collector continues to report the account, the outcome is determined by the scoring model used to calculate your score. The FICO 8 model, which is widely used for credit decisions, still considers paid collections. Paid-off collections, on the other hand, are ignored by more recent FICO models and VantageScores.
Time commitment: Moderate. You'll need to request and read your credit reports, then devise a strategy for dealing with any listed collections accounts.
It has the potential to work fairly quickly. On credit scores that ignore paid collections, such as VantageScore and newer FICOs, the paid-off status can benefit your scores as soon as it is reported to credit bureaus. In other cases, such as disputing a collection account or requesting a goodwill deletion, the process may take several months.
#4. Get credit for your rent and utility bills.
Rent reporting services can report on-time rent payments to credit bureaus. Rent payments are not taken into account by all scoring models; VantageScores do, but FICO 8 does not. Even so, if a potential creditor examines your reports, rent records will be present, and a long track record of consistent payments can only help.
Experian Boost can also be beneficial. You connect your bank accounts to the free Boost service, which then searches for payments to streaming services, phone and utility bills, and eligible rent payments. You have control over which payments are added to your Experian credit report. When a creditor pulls your FICO 8 using Experian data, you benefit from the additional payment history.
The impact varies.
Time commitment: minimal. There is no need for additional time after the initial setup.
How quickly it could work: Boost works instantly, but the rent reporting aspect, like other rent reporting services, varies depending on a consumer's history. Some services, for example, provide an instant "lookback" of the previous two years of payments, but without it, it could take months to build a record of on-time payments.
#5. Strategically pay off credit card balances
Your credit utilization is the percentage of your credit limits that you are using at any given time. A good rule of thumb is to use no more than 30% of your credit limit on any card, and the lower the better. The top scorers use less than 7% of the time. (By viewing your credit score profile on NerdWallet, you can track your credit utilization on each card and overall.)
You should ensure that your balance is low when the card issuer reports it to the credit bureaus, as this is what is used to calculate your credit score. Paying down the balance before the billing cycle ends, or paying several times throughout the month, is a simple way to keep your balance low.
Influence: Extremely powerful. Your credit utilization is the second-most important factor in your credit score; paying on time is the most important factor.
Low to medium time commitment. Set up calendar reminders to log in and pay. You may also be able to set up alerts on your credit card accounts to notify you when your balance reaches a certain amount.
How quickly it could work: Very quickly. When your credit card reports a lower balance to the credit bureaus, that lower utilization will be factored into your credit score.
#6. Become a registered user.
If a relative or friend has a credit card account with a high credit limit and a track record of timely payments, request that you be added as an authorized user. This adds the account to your credit reports, and its credit limit can help you maximize your utilization.
Authorized user status, also known as "credit piggybacking," allows you to benefit from the primary user's good payment history. For your credit to improve, the account holder does not have to let you use the card or even give you the account number.
To get the best results, make sure the account reports to all three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion); most credit cards do.
Impact: Potentially significant, especially if you are a credit novice with a shaky credit history. The impact will be less severe for those with established credit who are attempting to compensate for mistakes or reduce credit utilization.
Low to medium time commitment. You'll need to talk to the accountholder you're requesting this favor from and decide whether you'll have access to the card and account or simply be listed as an authorized user.
How quickly it could work: Very quickly. The account can help your profile as soon as you're added and that credit account reports to the bureaus.
#7. Dispute any errors on your credit report.
A mistake on one of your credit reports may be lowering your score. Resolving credit report errors can help you improve your credit quickly.
You are entitled to free credit reports from all three major credit bureaus. Request them from AnnualCreditReport.com and then review them for errors, such as payments marked late when you paid on time, someone else's credit activity mixed in with yours, or negative information that is too old to be listed.
Once you've identified them, you should dispute them.
The impact varies, but it could be significant if a creditor reports that you missed a payment when you didn't.
Medium to high time commitment. Requesting and reading your free credit reports, filing disputes about errors, and tracking the follow-up all take time. However, the process is worthwhile, especially if you're attempting to build credit in advance of a major milestone, such as applying for a large loan. If you intend to apply for a mortgage, resolve any disputes as soon as possible.
It depends on how quickly it can work. The credit reporting agencies have 30 days to investigate and respond. Some businesses offer to dispute errors and quickly improve your credit, but tread carefully.
#8. Make use of a secured credit card.
The impact varies. This is most likely to benefit someone new to credit with accounts or someone with damaged credit who wants to add more positive credit history and mitigate past mistakes.
Time commitment: Moderate. Look for a secured card that notifies all three major credit bureaus of your credit activity. You should also consider alternative credit cards that do not require a security deposit.
It could take several months to work. The goal here isn't just to have another card, though that can help your score by increasing your credit depth. Rather, you want to establish a track record of keeping balances low and paying on time.
#9. Include it in your credit mix.
A good-standing additional credit account may help your credit, especially if it is a type of credit you do not already have.
Consider getting a loan if you only have credit cards; a credit-builder loan can be a low-cost option. Check to see if the loan you're thinking about getting reports to all three credit bureaus.
If you only have loans or a few credit cards, a new credit card may be beneficial. It can reduce your overall credit utilization by increasing available credit, in addition to improving your credit mix.
The impact varies. Opening a loan account is most likely to assist someone who only has credit cards, and vice versa. People with few accounts or short credit histories stand to gain the most.
Time commitment: Moderate. Consider whether the time spent researching and applying for providers is worth the potential boost to your score. Consider how much you'll pay in interest and fees if you're getting a loan or credit card solely to improve your credit.
How quickly it could work: Very quickly. The new account's activity can begin to benefit you as soon as it is reported to the credit bureaus.
Commonly Asked Questions
How quickly can you improve your credit?
Someone with a low credit score has a better chance of making quick progress than someone with a strong credit history. Paying your bills on time and using less of your available credit limit on credit cards can help you improve your credit score in as little as 30 days.
How can I improve my credit score in 30 days?
The most powerful steps you can take to improve your credit are to pay your bills on time and to pay off your credit card balances. Payment behavior is reported to credit bureaus by issuers every 30 days, so positive steps can help your credit quickly.
How can I raise my credit score by 100 points in a month?
If you have a low credit score, you have a better chance of making gains than someone with a high credit score. Depending on what's holding it back, you could gain up to 100 points by practicing good credit habits like paying on time and using less of your available credit.
Is obtaining a Credit Privacy Number (CPN) a legal way to build credit?
No, a CPN is a ruse. You may unintentionally become a victim of identity theft, or you may simply lose your money. It appears to be a great shortcut or fresh start, but it is an attempt to entice victims with false promises.
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