Beginner blog marketing
Started a blog but can’t get any readers? Let’s fix that.
And in this post,We’ll share some of the blogging tips
Let’s get to it.
Blogs which are also known as web logs are the new thing on the internet. They are pretty much a platform that you can use that will allow you to post your thoughts on most any subject that you want to. They can be used for journaling, promoting, writing, and publishing, anything that your heart desires. However, if you are a beginner and new blogging as well as marketing, there are some very important things that you will want to know.
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Blog marketing is pretty easy if you have a marketing mind. You are going to find that many people use blogs as a diary, and many times these blogs that are used for this purpose are not intended to make them money, but simply a way to put there thoughts out there and find others that are going through the same thing. If you have never even had a blog before, the simplest thing that you can do is to start one, and just journal in it for a while. This will allow you to learn just what it takes and what it is all about to keep up a blog. When you are just journaling your thoughts and what is on your mind, you have nothing to lose and nothing to gain. You don’t even have to make your blog public if you don’t want others to read what you have to say. That is a personal preference. However, doing this will let you see how it works. Then you can move on to trying to market a product or a service.
Using a blog to market something is cheaper than using a website. This is because there are so many free ones out there that you can use to get the word out, and they are really just as good as having a website that you pay for. There are of course some advantages to having your own URL, but for a beginner, a free one will work until you get the hang of it and want to move it all over onto your own server. The free blogs are just not that customizable. If you are not familiar with HTML, you are going to find that your blog will look like everyone else’s. But, that is ok in the beginning. You can always make changes later on once you are becoming successful.
When you have your own blog, you are in charge of the content that is posted on it. You can decide what is said, and what is not. You are after all writing it all, right? So, the sky is the limit. Whether you want a blog that does website reviews and takes nominations, or you want to sell things that you make out of your home, the choice is yours. Using a blog to get the word out about whatever you want too is a great way to market and promote something.
Blog marketing can get complicated if you let it. It is really only as hard as you make it. While there are some bloggers out there that are making a six figure income with the use of blog marketing, we all know that it can be done. We just want to know how. Well, for any beginner, start small, and be consistent. The six figure bloggers all did. They started with one, built it up, and then added another blog, built it up. Then, keeping up both blogs and not letting them fall behind, they continued to add more and more. Of course they had help, and they outsourced a lot of their work. If you are looking to make a massive income with blogging, you will need some help.
Blog marketing is a great thing to learn. If you can sell things from a blog, you can sell them anywhere. Making money by using a blog is one of the most satisfying things that you will ever learn how to do. Just do not expect to make money over night, know that you have to work at it consistently everyday, and remember to put into it what you want to get out of it.
what is the cheapest way to start a blog ?
Write about topics that people are looking for.
Organic search accounts for 51% of all website traffic. That is, in order for your blog to be successful, you must write about issues that people are interested in.
The question is, how do you come across such topics?
To create ideas, use a keyword research tool.
Example : |
For example, you may type a term into AnswerThePublic, a free service, and it will display comparable queries that others are entering into Google.
Take your choice from the many free keyword tools available.
Unfortunately, although such tools are great for brainstorming, the most of them do not include keyword information such as monthly search traffic. That is an issue. After all, it's pointless to write about something if no one is looking for it.
What is the solution? Use a professional keyword research tool, such as Ahrefs' Keywords Explorer, to examine a bigger pool of ideas as well as critical keyword data.
Premium Ahrefs' Keywords Explorer |
Examine your rivals' top-performing subjects.
Wouldn't it be great if you could monitor which of your rivals' articles got the most attention and strive to imitate their success?
You can.
Many blogs display their best-performing content, such as this:
cointelegraph website |
By glancing at their URL and title, it's quite straightforward to determine the keywords they're attempting to rank for.
For example, when I click through to the article—Bitcoin critics say BTC price is going to $0—I can guess that cointelegraph is targeting the topic “Bitcoin” or “Bitcoin Price.”
However, this is not a data-driven process. We have no clue how Cointelegraph selected these "popular" pieces, and we have no idea if they increase traffic.
Keep search purpose in mind.
Google strives to give the most relevant results for its users' queries. That is, in order to rank high in Google and receive passive, organic traffic, you must be the most relevant result for the query.
Translation: you must generate information that is relevant to search intent.
How do you determine search intent?
Fortunately, because Google strives to provide the best relevant results, you may take advantage of this. Simply check at the top 10 results for your selected topic to discover what kinds of pages are presently ranking.
Here are the top results for "Coffee Maker," for example.
It appears that the majority of the top-ranking pages are category pages selling various sorts of coffee equipment. In this instance, no matter how good your content is, ranking with a blog post will be difficult.
Consider "french press coffee."
As you can see, the majority of the top-ranking sites are instructional articles on how to make french press coffee.
To rank for this term, you will most likely need to generate something comparable, such as a "how-to" tutorial.
Make material that is worth referencing.
Tim, our Chief Marketing Officer, authored a 5,000-word post about strategic writing four years ago. He then contacted Rand Fishkin, an SEO/marketing authority, to inform him about the situation, hoping that he would share it with his followers.
Rand declined.
What's the reason? The message was lengthy, yet it lacked originality. It was simply a rehash of current internet suggestions.
Rand tweeted our podcast advertising article five years later, despite the fact that we hadn't told him about it.
Why did he share it again this time? Simple: we completed the work, learned everything there was to know about podcast sponsorships, and could give a unique point of view that no one else could.
In short, our paper was worthy of citation.
It is not actionable to tell you to develop outstanding content. Making ensuring your content is, in Seth Godin's words, "worth commenting on" is a simpler notion to grasp.
It's also lot simpler to discern whether you've got something truly special on your hands.
- Is your article one-of-a-kind?
- Did you provide ideas, beliefs, or points of view that no one else had?
- Will your article be cited, quoted, or linked to?
- Will people share and discuss it?
If the response is a resounding yes, congratulations! If not, return to the lab and redo it. You may always provide a distinct perspective by incorporating data, conducting polls, or gaining experience.
Make your content simple to read.
Nobody likes to read. They just want the information. If they could download it to their brain, they would.
Tim Soulo
CMO Ahrefs
To be honest, no one is dying to read your piece. They would choose to watch Netflix rather than read your blog content.
As a result, it is your responsibility as a writer to persuade people to start reading. "Good writing produces effortless reading," stated legendary copywriter Bond Halbert.
To do this, you must first learn how to edit your material such that it is easy to read. Bond Halbert's book on editing is the finest I've discovered on the subject. (The cover says advertising, but it truly applies to any type of writing.)
After reading the book, here are some suggestions I made for my own writing.
- Use brief paragraphs. Bond refers to this as "giving eye rest." Long paragraphs intimidate readers, whereas short paragraphs entice them. Hemingway and other tools make this easy.
- Long sentences should be broken up. People usually read aloud in their heads. As a result, extended phrases are difficult to follow. Find instances where you used "and," "because," and "that" to break up these phrases.
- Include multimedia. Videos, photos, GIFs, and other visuals can assist emphasize your views without adding extra words.
- Make use of formatting. Italics, bold, quotations, and lists Break up long sections of material and emphasize key ideas.
Create fantastic headlines
On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy.
David Ogilvy
Author Confessions of an Advertising Man
The majority of individuals find material through search or social media. And they will most likely choose which to read depending on the headline.
As a result, the title is the most important part of your content. And you should learn how to create appealing ones that pique people's interest and entice them to learn more.
However, this does not imply that you should write clickbait. However, it does imply that you should grasp how effective headlines function.
Some pointers:
- Examine some of the most popular blogs on the internet and see how they create their headlines. Tim Ferriss may not consider himself an internet marketer, but he surely understands how to write catchy titles (for example, "From Geek to Freak: How I Gained 34 lbs. of Muscle in 4 Weeks" is a great headline).
- Make use of templates. The majority of headlines are variations on tried and true formulae. Learn what they are and how to utilize them effectively.
- Use the Headline Analyzer in CoSchedule. Not sure whether you wrote something good? Use this free tool to check.
Create an effective introduction.
Consider how I used to write introductions:
It was a whole word vomit. My readers are probably clicking the back button faster than you can say "hip hop!"
The purpose of the headline is to entice the reader to read the opening sentence. Then it's up to your introduction to draw them in and persuade them to read the piece.
So, if your opening is long, uninteresting, or reads like an academic thesis, it's time to liven things up.
At Ahrefs, we adhere to (loosely) what we refer to as the "APP" formula.
First, we must Align. Show your readers that you comprehend their dilemma with a sentence or two.
On-page SEO refers to the process of improving your content in order to rank higher in search results.
Typically, this comprises fundamental "best practices" such as:
Incorporate your goal term into the title, meta description, and H1 tags. This helps searchers see your page as the best relevant result for their query.
Using concise, descriptive URLs. A descriptive URL explains what to anticipate from a page. Searchers are almost definitely more inclined to click on a result that shows what to expect from the website.
However, on-page SEO is more than just inserting exact-match keywords in your material. The inclusion of similar words and phrases is also significant.
Google verifies this with the following statement:
Just think: when you search for ‘dogs’, you probably don’t want a page with the word ‘dogs’ on it hundreds of times. With that in mind, algorithms assess if a page contains other relevant content beyond the keyword ‘dogs’ – such as pictures of dogs, videos or even a list of breeds.
The question is, how can this be optimized for?
You might not have to if you're writing about something you already know a lot about. I mean, you'll almost certainly incorporate pertinent words and phrases without even trying.
Receive comments on your writing.
That scrutiny is applied to every post on our blog. We take turns reading each other's content and provide criticism. We find sections that can be added/removed, points that can be clarified, phrases that can be better phrased, and so on.
Make contact with individuals you admire.
Have you ever noticed how renowned bloggers usually seem to know each other?
This is not by chance.
Blogging is a lot of labor. Going at it alone is difficult. However, with the assistance of others, it becomes manageable.
That is why savvy bloggers reach out to one another and develop relationships. They offer advise, assistance, and cross-promote each other.
That's how they keep growing day after day, year after year.
You should follow suit.
The more individuals you know, the more polished your work will become. More experienced individuals can provide feedback on your article. They can provide insights, promote or connect to you, and share your work with their following.
Don't be turned off by their reputation or large fan base. Every renowned blogger you know started off as a nobody. What distinguished them was their willingness to put aside their concerns and egos and reach out to those who came before them.
These blogs are aware. They will gladly assist you—but only if you employ the proper tactics.
What exactly are these strategies?
Create an email list
Do you have a Facebook fan page? Good luck, because Facebook may remove it at any time.
Do you have a YouTube channel? They have the right to remove you at any time.
Don't be shocked if a third-party site removes you or limits your reach.
Building an email list is the greatest approach to counteract this.
You may communicate with your followers at any moment as long as they are subscribed to you.
How does one go about building an email list?
You'll need two things: traffic and something valuable.
If you follow the blogging guidelines in this piece, you should see an increase in visitors to your site. So the next step is to get them to join your mailing list.
We're proposing to bring more of the information they appreciated directly to their email since they enjoyed our post (they made it to the finish!).
However, the world is your oyster. You may give away a free eBook, the PDF version of the post, an email course, or anything else.
All you need is a little imagination.
Promote your material on internet forums.
Online communities where your target audience hangs out are relevant. They might be Facebook groups, Slack, Reddit, forums, and so on.
This was my key tactic for gaining popularity for my breakdance blog:
According to the responses, it was favorably received.
Isn't it simple?
Not so quick, considering the snapshot lacks the effort I put it before posting a post. To be allowed to submit such a post, I needed to become an active member, engage in debates, and give assistance.
My stuff was only then accepted and promoted.
Don't be shocked if you're expelled and banned if all you want to do is join a few groups, dump links, then go.
Contribute guest posts to other blogs
Ramit Sethi attributes his book's success to a guest article he wrote on Tim Ferriss's blog.
Don't only write for your blog if you want to achieve popularity. Use the authority and following of other blogs to increase traffic, links, and brand recognition.
But you might be asking why they would let you do that.
Simple. The foundation of the most famous blogs is excellent content. However, generating quality material on a continuous basis is difficult. So, why would they say no if you offer to create a great article for them for free?
Most individuals now look for guest blogging opportunities in the same way. They employ sophisticated search operators such as these in Google:
- your_topic]“write for us”
- your_topic“guest post”
- your_topic“guest article”
- your_topic“become an author”
- your_topic inurl:contribute
These will bring up blogs that are currently seeking contributors.
You should not, however, solely pitch sites with "write for us" websites.
If a site has previously written on a relevant issue, it's probable that they're receptive to guest articles on related topics—even if they don't have a "write for us" page.
Enter a relevant term or phrase into Content Explorer to identify these sites, then activate the "one article per domain" setting to prevent contacting the same sites repeatedly.
Refresh older content
Your views, opinions, and knowledge will evolve as you advance along your blogging journey. You'll learn more about your field, discover new things, and enhance your writing style.
If you don't update your prior work to reflect your current knowledge and thoughts, you're doing your readers a disservice.
Furthermore, upgrading your material has an SEO benefit.
Consider this: even if you are ranked first, competitors may attempt to overtake you. Alternatively, Google may "demote" your ranks if it believes your material is out of date.
Maintain a commonplace book.
A commonplace book, according to Ryan Holiday, is:
“… a central resource or depository for ideas, quotes, anecdotes, observations and information you come across during your life and didactic pursuits. The purpose of the book is to record and organize these gems for later use in your life, in your business, in your writing, speaking or whatever it is that you do.”
Why would you want to retain one?
For two reasons:
Have you noticed how many folks I've referenced in this post? A commonplace book makes this process easier and faster.
There will be days when you are stranded. When you've spent hours staring at a blank document with nothing to show for it, a short scan of your commonplace book might assist inspire you and generate ideas for what needs to be written.
How does one come about?
This is how I do it. Notion, a project management program, is where I keep my commonplace book.
Every day, write.
How did James Clear become a bestseller author and one of the world's most recognized bloggers?
He pledged to publishing one article every Monday and Thursday for four years. This method polished his writing abilities, increased the popularity of his blog, and finally won him a book deal for Atomic Habits.
After all, it isn't a secret. Writing IS blogging.
However, in order to write successfully, you must practice regularly.
It does not have to be amazing. Simply focus on developing the habit of writing every day. It does not have to be a blog post; it may be a Facebook status update, a tweet, a blog comment, an email, or something else.
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