7 Steps To Build An Email List

 7 Steps To Build An Email List

A huge email list can be a very effective marketing tool for your small business. Consider having hundreds or thousands of potential consumers at your disposal simply by sending an email. 

At least 40% of small firms report much greater outcomes from their email marketing efforts as their email lists to grow larger, especially when they exceed 500 members.

Even if you're beginning from scratch, building an email list is a straightforward method to create relationships and drive revenue for your small business. Learn how to expand your email list in seven simple steps.
Steps To Build An Email List
 Steps To Build An Email List
Important takeaways
  • Create an email list to engage potential consumers on a platform of their choice.
  • Email marketing solutions can help you produce signups by automating the email collection process and using opt-in forms and landing sites.
  • Make a lead magnet or organize a giveaway to entice your target audience to sign up.

How to Create an Email List

Building an email list is an important step in fostering favorable brand experiences. Email is preferred by over half of consumers above any other marketing method. 

In fact, customers are six times more likely to click through your emails than they are to click through a quick tweet.

You can send email marketing campaigns to engage clients and stand out from the competition if you have a good list-ideally, 100 subscribers before blasting weekly emails. Follow these methods to attract your target audience to sign up for your email list.

1. Make a lead magnet.

People are inundated with emails-the average office worker receives 121 per day and will not opt into more without a compelling cause. 

Create lead magnets, or free freebies were given to consumers in return for contact information, to give users a reason to sign up.

Coupons, free ebooks, immediate quotations, webinars, and unique invites to local events are all examples of lead magnets. 

Whatever form of lead magnet you develop, make sure to highlight the incentive anywhere you market your email list, whether it's in-store, on your website, on social media accounts, blog articles, door fliers, and so on. 

Create a welcome email that includes your freebie so that new subscribers get what they signed up for right away.

2. Select an email marketing instrument.

An email marketing tool can aid in the automation of your email list-building operations. Email collection platforms such as Mailchimp and Sendinblue, both of which provide free plans, automate the process.

Many of these platforms provide free email contact forms, landing page builders, and other similar tools to help you build your email list with minimal effort.

You may also use the same tool to build, schedule, and send email campaigns. To ensure that your software continues to assist you once you begin sending email campaigns, use a tool that includes capabilities such as:

  • Email list segmentation: Divide subscribers into smaller lists based on common features (demographics, localities, or signup months) to send more focused messages.
  • A/B testing involves comparing two versions of the same campaign, such as two emails with different subject lines, to discover which one engages your target audience the most.
  • Track critical indicators such as your email open rate and email list growth rate to optimize your strategy over time.

3. Include an email signup form on your company's website.

A simple email signup process is essential for growing your list of new subscribers. Including an email opt-in form on your site's homepage, as well as related landing pages, helps you to collect website visitors' email addresses before they depart.

Most email marketing platforms have opt-in forms as well as embed codes that you may use on your website. 

Many platforms also allow you to create your call to action (CTA), which is the wording that invites consumers to sign up, by customizing your own opt-in form.

If your email marketing service does not support embeddable opt-in forms, you can use Typeform or Formstack to construct one. 

When a new submission arrives, you can either manually upload the emails you've collected or use a free automation platform like Zapier to handle it for you. Zapier, for example, can connect your Typeform and MailerLite accounts so that new subscribers are produced in MailerLite immediately as someone fills out your form.

4. Create a landing page

Create a distinct landing page for email signups to drive new subscriptions from other marketing channels. This page should contain three simple items, all of which should be displayed before visitors scroll down:
  • A captivating headline
  • Copy that is interesting and includes a call to action
  • Your email subscription form
You can make a landing page using your website or an email marketing solution that includes the feature. 

Once the landing page is up and running, include a link to it in your email signature, content marketing pieces, and anyplace else you promote your company. 

Track your conversion rate (the percentage of landing page visitors that sign up) to confirm that your material is driving subscriptions.

5. Use social media to gain email subscribers.

If your company already has a following on social media platforms such as LinkedIn or Twitter, use your business profiles to promote your lead magnet and connect to your email signup landing page. Many email marketing tools, such as Mailchimp, even integrate with Facebook, allowing you to create a separate tab for email signups on your business page.

6. Make eye-catching pop-up forms.

Including a pop-up on your website is a simple method to captivate your users' attention and efficiently acquire emails.

Some email marketing platforms, such as Mailchimp, have pop-up tools and templates. However, you may always use third-party pop-up generation solutions that sync with your email marketing service, such as Sumo and Sleeknote.

These third-party programs frequently have more complex features that can assist you in increasing email signups. Instead of displaying pop-ups when visitors arrive at your site, some solutions can prompt pop-ups when they detect exit intent—behaviors that suggest a person is going to leave a site—so you can grab their email before they leave.

7. Hold a contest.

Lead generation can be accelerated by using social media ads and other digital marketing methods. To increase your email list even faster, arrange a giveaway with one or more large prizes.

For example, if you own an online store, give away a $100 gift card or unlimited free shipping for the entire year. 

With such a large price, potential customers may see subscribing to your marketing emails as a much smaller request-even if there's no certainty they'll win.

To attract as many new subscribers as possible, make sure to advertise your giveaway across all of your marketing channels. Consider investing in web ads to reach out to folks who aren't familiar with or following your brand.

Create a robust email list from the ground up.

To send great email campaigns, you don't need to be a professional marketer-and understanding how to develop an email list from the beginning is easier than you would think. 

Small business owners may build huge email lists with the correct strategies, such as developing lead magnets or pop-up forms, and utilize them to win new clients or reengage old ones.

When you're ready to expand your marketing plan, use these small company email marketing strategies to get the most out of your email lists.
Mira Sandra
Mira Sandra I am Mira Sandra. A blogger, YouTuber, trader, Smart cooker, and Likes to review various products written on the blog. Starting to know the online business in 2014 and continue to learn about internet business and review various products until now.

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